The following links may be of interest as you search the world wide web for information on inclusive child care and other related topics. Many of the sites listed below are good starting points for additional links. The descriptions come from the sites themselves and are not offered with any official endorsement from Linda Brault.*
Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice
It is the mission of the Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice to support and promote a reoriented national preparedness to foster the development and the adjustment of children with or at risk of developing serious emotional disturbance. Its “Briefs for Families on Evidenced-Based Practices” gives parents access to research–based interventions. These briefs reflect CECP’s commitment to provide families with useful and usable information about evidenced–based practices. They include briefs on choice making and other preventive strategies.
It is the mission of the Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice to support and promote a reoriented national preparedness to foster the development and the adjustment of children with or at risk of developing serious emotional disturbance. Its “Briefs for Families on Evidenced-Based Practices” gives parents access to research–based interventions. These briefs reflect CECP’s commitment to provide families with useful and usable information about evidenced–based practices. They include briefs on choice making and other preventive strategies.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning is a national center focused on strengthening the capacity of Child Care and Head Start to improve the social and emotional outcomes of young children.
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning is a national center focused on strengthening the capacity of Child Care and Head Start to improve the social and emotional outcomes of young children.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a national non-profit organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with AD/HD. In addition to our informative website, CHADD also publishes a variety of printed materials to keep members and professionals current on research advances, medications and treatments affecting individuals with AD/HD.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a national non-profit organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with AD/HD. In addition to our informative website, CHADD also publishes a variety of printed materials to keep members and professionals current on research advances, medications and treatments affecting individuals with AD/HD.
CLAS Early Childhood Research Institute
The Early Childhood Research Institute on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) identifies, evaluates, and promotes effective and appropriate early intervention practices and preschool practices that are sensitive and respectful to children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The CLAS website presents a dynamic and evolving database of materials describing culturally and linguistically appropriate practices for early childhood/early intervention services. In this site, are descriptions of books, videotapes, articles, manuals, brochures and audiotapes. In addition, there are extensive website links and information in a variety of languages. The CLAS Institute is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education.
The Early Childhood Research Institute on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) identifies, evaluates, and promotes effective and appropriate early intervention practices and preschool practices that are sensitive and respectful to children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The CLAS website presents a dynamic and evolving database of materials describing culturally and linguistically appropriate practices for early childhood/early intervention services. In this site, are descriptions of books, videotapes, articles, manuals, brochures and audiotapes. In addition, there are extensive website links and information in a variety of languages. The CLAS Institute is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education.
Creating a Peaceful Environment
The site offers tips and activities for making “your home or center a peaceful place.”
The site offers tips and activities for making “your home or center a peaceful place.”
Family Education Network
Family Education Network’s mission is to be an online consumer network of the world’s best learning and information resources, personalized to help parents, teachers, and students of all ages take control of their learning and make it part of their everyday lives.
Family Education Network’s mission is to be an online consumer network of the world’s best learning and information resources, personalized to help parents, teachers, and students of all ages take control of their learning and make it part of their everyday lives.
The Incredible Years
The Incredible Years are research–based, proven effective programs for reducing children’s aggression and behavior problems and increasing social competence at home and at school. The Incredible Years programs were developed by Carolyn Webster–Stratton, M.S.N., M.P.H., Ph.D., Professor and Director of the Parenting Clinic at the University of Washington. She is a nurse and licensed clinical psychologist and has published numerous scientific articles evaluating training programs for helping families and teachers with children who are highly aggressive, disobedient, hyperactive, and inattentive. She has had extensive clinical experiences helping over 1,000 families whose children were diagnosed with conduct problems and attention deficit disorder.
The Incredible Years are research–based, proven effective programs for reducing children’s aggression and behavior problems and increasing social competence at home and at school. The Incredible Years programs were developed by Carolyn Webster–Stratton, M.S.N., M.P.H., Ph.D., Professor and Director of the Parenting Clinic at the University of Washington. She is a nurse and licensed clinical psychologist and has published numerous scientific articles evaluating training programs for helping families and teachers with children who are highly aggressive, disobedient, hyperactive, and inattentive. She has had extensive clinical experiences helping over 1,000 families whose children were diagnosed with conduct problems and attention deficit disorder.
Infant Development Association of California
The Infant Development Association of California is a multidisciplinary organization of parents and professionals committed to optimal developmental, social and emotional outcomes for infants, birth to three, with a broad range of special needs and their families. IDA advocates for improved, effective prevention and early intervention services, and provides information, education, and training to parents, professionals, decision makers and others.
The Infant Development Association of California is a multidisciplinary organization of parents and professionals committed to optimal developmental, social and emotional outcomes for infants, birth to three, with a broad range of special needs and their families. IDA advocates for improved, effective prevention and early intervention services, and provides information, education, and training to parents, professionals, decision makers and others.
LD Pride (Learning Disability)
Information about learning styles and Multiple Intelligence (MI) is helpful for everyone especially for people with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder. Knowing your learning style will help to compensate for weaknesses and capitalize on strengths. This page provides an explanation of what learning styles and multiple intelligence are all about, an interactive assessment of your learning style/MI, and practical tips to make your learning style work for you.
Information about learning styles and Multiple Intelligence (MI) is helpful for everyone especially for people with learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder. Knowing your learning style will help to compensate for weaknesses and capitalize on strengths. This page provides an explanation of what learning styles and multiple intelligence are all about, an interactive assessment of your learning style/MI, and practical tips to make your learning style work for you.
Learning to Learn
Learning to Learn is for learners, teachers, and researchers. It teaches the value of self–awareness as a critical part of learning. Learning to Learn is a course, a resource, and a source of knowledge about learning, how it can be developed in children and adults, and how it differs among learners.
Learning to Learn is for learners, teachers, and researchers. It teaches the value of self–awareness as a critical part of learning. Learning to Learn is a course, a resource, and a source of knowledge about learning, how it can be developed in children and adults, and how it differs among learners.
Learning Styles Resource Page
Take a learning styles inventory. Learn about the different models most commonly used. This page has links to many other sites.
Take a learning styles inventory. Learn about the different models most commonly used. This page has links to many other sites.
The Multiple Intelligence Inventory
The Multiple Intelligence Inventory is based on the original work by Howard Gardner in the 1980s. Since he began his work the idea of “multiple intelligences” has come to have a significant effect on the thinking of many researchers and educators. An additional “intelligence” has been added to the inventory, courtesy of Gary Harms, which addresses styles and abilities associated with awareness of ones surroundings, physics, and an understanding of the “nature of things.”
The Multiple Intelligence Inventory is based on the original work by Howard Gardner in the 1980s. Since he began his work the idea of “multiple intelligences” has come to have a significant effect on the thinking of many researchers and educators. An additional “intelligence” has been added to the inventory, courtesy of Gary Harms, which addresses styles and abilities associated with awareness of ones surroundings, physics, and an understanding of the “nature of things.”
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
The website for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has links to a publication guide with many different books and videotapes on curriculum available for purchase at low cost.
The website for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has links to a publication guide with many different books and videotapes on curriculum available for purchase at low cost.
National Head Start Association (NHSA)
The National Head Start Association is a private not-for-profit membership organization dedicated exclusively to meeting the needs of Head Start children and their families. It represents more than 1 million children, 200,000 staff and 2,700 Head Start programs in the United States. The Association provides support for the entire Head Start community by advocating for policies that strengthen services to Head Start children and their families; by providing extensive training and professional development to Head Start staff; and by developing and disseminating research, information, and resources that enrich Head Start program delivery.
The National Head Start Association is a private not-for-profit membership organization dedicated exclusively to meeting the needs of Head Start children and their families. It represents more than 1 million children, 200,000 staff and 2,700 Head Start programs in the United States. The Association provides support for the entire Head Start community by advocating for policies that strengthen services to Head Start children and their families; by providing extensive training and professional development to Head Start staff; and by developing and disseminating research, information, and resources that enrich Head Start program delivery.
Nurturing Our Spirited Children
This website is a resource for parents raising spirited, high-need, strong-willed, active alert or difficult children.
This website is a resource for parents raising spirited, high-need, strong-willed, active alert or difficult children.
This website features a variety of articles and tools geared to a child’s age. The “problem solver” is a very interesting set of links to ideas on addressing challenging behavior. “ is an easy–to–navigate one–stop resource designed to help parents of children ages 2 to 8 better manage and enjoy the day–to–day challenges of raising great kids.”
This website features a variety of articles and tools geared to a child’s age. The “problem solver” is a very interesting set of links to ideas on addressing challenging behavior. “ is an easy–to–navigate one–stop resource designed to help parents of children ages 2 to 8 better manage and enjoy the day–to–day challenges of raising great kids.”
Positive Discipline
Positive Discipline is dedicated to providing education and resources that promote and encourage the ongoing development of life-skills and respectful relationships in family, school, business, and community systems. This site features information and articles from Jane Nelson, author of Positive Discipline and other books.
Positive Discipline is dedicated to providing education and resources that promote and encourage the ongoing development of life-skills and respectful relationships in family, school, business, and community systems. This site features information and articles from Jane Nelson, author of Positive Discipline and other books.
The Preventive Ounce
This interactive website lets you see more clearly a child's temperament, find parenting tactics that work.
This interactive website lets you see more clearly a child's temperament, find parenting tactics that work.
The Program for Infant Toddler Caregivers (PITC)
The PITC website has articles describing appropriate curriculum approaches for very young children as well as information on their training program available in California.
The PITC website has articles describing appropriate curriculum approaches for very young children as well as information on their training program available in California.
San Diego Association for the Education of Young Children (SDAEYC)
SDAEYC has a Mental Health Focus Group and a “Stop Violence in the Lives of Young Children” committee to address the importance of relationships for those who care for young children.
SDAEYC has a Mental Health Focus Group and a “Stop Violence in the Lives of Young Children” committee to address the importance of relationships for those who care for young children.
Spaces for Children
Spaces for Children focuses on developmentally–appropriate environments: rich places of learning that are child directed and teacher efficient. Expertise encompasses the overall programming and design of child care buildings, including complete architectural services, furniture, and play structure design.
Spaces for Children focuses on developmentally–appropriate environments: rich places of learning that are child directed and teacher efficient. Expertise encompasses the overall programming and design of child care buildings, including complete architectural services, furniture, and play structure design.
Tip Sheets: Positive Ways of Intervening with Challenging Behavior
The tip sheets have been developed to assist teachers and parents in providing the best possible educational opportunities to students with emotional and behavioral disorders.
The tip sheets have been developed to assist teachers and parents in providing the best possible educational opportunities to students with emotional and behavioral disorders.
VARK (Visual Aural Read/Write Kinesthetic)
VARK is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information whilst learning.
VARK is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information whilst learning.
What's Your Child's Learning Style?
Different children learn in different ways, using their sense of sight, hearing, or touch to master new information. To find out whether a child is primarily a visual, auditory, or physical learner, take this quiz. Then read on to learn how to use this information to help the child do better in school.
Different children learn in different ways, using their sense of sight, hearing, or touch to master new information. To find out whether a child is primarily a visual, auditory, or physical learner, take this quiz. Then read on to learn how to use this information to help the child do better in school.
Zero to Three
Zero to Three is the nation's leading resource on the first three years of life. It is a national non-profit charitable organization whose aim is to strengthen and support families, practitioners and communities to promote the healthy development of babies and toddlers.
Zero to Three is the nation's leading resource on the first three years of life. It is a national non-profit charitable organization whose aim is to strengthen and support families, practitioners and communities to promote the healthy development of babies and toddlers.
* Linda Brault does NOT endorse or assume any responsibility for information found on these sites. The following links are provided as a source of information and resources. Please e-mail us information about other sites that will add depth and knowledge to these listings.